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(Deutsch) Willkommen Zuhause
Wir sind eine evangelische Freikirche für Menschen in der Metropolregion Oldenburg, Delmenhorst, Bremen und umzu.
Du bist herzlich eingeladen uns kennenzulernen.
Wir freuen uns auf dich.
Our Faith
We are a church with an evangelical creed.
We believe in God, who devotes himself to every single person and who loves unconditionally.
We believe in Jesus Christ, who showed himself to people in a unique way. Jesus showed respect to the despised and brought healing to the broken.
He held on to this message; even though, it cost him his life and he was crucified.
Yet, God stood up for Jesus and raised him from the dead.
Through Jesus, we can see how God is. He loves every single person without conditions. He forgives us all our sins, in which we have been entangled. Everyone can turn around and start a new life with God – no matter how far away we feel from him.
We believe in God, who through his Holy Spirit acts in all those who let themselves be moved by him. His Holy Spirit connects us and lets us follow Jesus’ message in a passionate way.
Our Church
We are a congregation with people from many different countries.
As part of our society, we live integration. We want to be a blessing for people in the metropolitan areas of Oldenburg, Bremen, Delmenhorst and surroundings.
We would like to pass on the message of Jesus Christ and make it experienceable.
Our Pastor: Johann Preisel
God does not only play a role with us; he is the director.
You are kindly invited to get to know our congregation.
We are sincere,
and child-friendly.
Unser Netzwerk
We see ourselves as a congregation with an evangelical creed and as a member of all Christians around the world.
We belong to the denomination “Bund Freikirchlicher Christengemeinden Neuer Weg” (BFC) Free Christian Church Community New Way.
Locally, we are member of the evangelical alliance and we are in contact with different congregations in Delmenhorst and beyond